Gas Boiler

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AFUE 90-94.9%. Rebates may be for SJG, NJNG or PSE&G customers. AFUE ≥95%

1. The applicant for Atlantic City Electric’s HVAC Efficiency Program (“Program”) rebate, the details of which are provided in the application to which these terms and conditions are attached and at, must be a residential customer of Atlantic City Electric (“Customer”).
2. Rebate applications are valid only for qualified high-efficiency electric equipment purchased and installed beginning July 1, 2021, through December 31, 2024. The requirements for qualified equipment may be found in the tables on the second page of the rebate application and such equipment must also meet the requirements of Section 6 below.
3. The rebate application must be submitted within 90 days of purchase of the qualified equipment and be postmarked or submitted by January 15, 2025.
4. It is the responsibility of Customer to assure that all requirements for the rebate are met. Failure to provide any of the required information will prevent or delay processing of your application. Please submit one rebate application per unit.
5. Rebate payments are based on the equipment installation date. Customer must abide by the rules and rebate levels in effect on the date of installation. Rebate levels cannot exceed the cost of the equipment.
6. The efficiency levels of the qualified equipment are based on the Air-conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) certified performance criteria of an outdoor unit and indoor coil (and/or furnace/blower) working together. These ratings are found on the website. All ENERGY STARcertified equipment must be listed at in order to participate in this Program. Both the outdoor unit and coil/indoor unit must be replaced and installed as a matched set.
7. The rebate payment will be issued to the account holder at the mailing address on record with Atlantic City Electric or to the submitting contractor as assigned by Customer through their signature on the rebate application.
8. Please allow up to 30 days from the date all required information is received to process your rebate(s).
9. All rebated equipment must be installed and used at Customer’s service address specified on the rebate application.
10. Program procedures, requirements and rebate levels are subject to change or cancellation without notice and are subject to available Program funds.
11. By participating in Atlantic City Electric’s energy efficiency and peak demand reduction programs, Customer agrees Atlantic City Electric will maintain ownership of all Capacity Rights from electric savings measures. Capacity Rights are the demand reduction associated with any energy efficiency and peak demand reduction measure for which incentives were provided by Atlantic City Electric, which will aggregate these energy efficiency demand reduction attributes into the PJM capacity market as appropriate, with proceeds being used to reduce its customers’ costs for the programs.
12. If applying for incentives for natural gas and electric measures at the same time through Atlantic City Electric, Customer is prohibited from applying for the same incentive with their gas company.
13. Atlantic City Electric and/or their designees including Program administrators and evaluation contractors reserve the right to review installations for equipment subject to the rebate to verify completion and measure energy savings to ensure compliance with all Program requirements. Such reviews will be made at a time convenient to Customer. Misrepresentation of installation location or measure eligibility may result in forfeiture of the rebate.
14. Installations of equipment subject to the rebate must be completed in accordance with all laws, codes, and other requirements applicable under federal, state, and local authority.
15. Customer is urged to consult a tax advisor concerning any tax liabilities that could be associated with the receipt of the rebate.
16. Customer agrees that Atlantic City Electric may include Customer’s name, Atlantic City Electric services and resulting energy savings in reports or other documentation prepared for Atlantic City Electric and/or submitted to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. Atlantic City Electric will treat all other information gathered for this Program as confidential and report it only in the aggregate.
17. Atlantic City Electric and/or its designees, including program administrators, do not endorse any particular manufacturer or product as part of this program.
18. The liability of Atlantic City Electric is limited to paying the rebate, subject to the requirements of the Program and these terms and conditions. None of Atlantic City Electric and CLEAResult (the Program implementer), their respective parents, subsidiaries or affiliates, or their respective officers, employees, contractors, or agents assume any liability or responsibility for the performance of the equipment subject to the rebate or any equipment warranty, the quality of the installation work, labor and/or materials supplied, and/or the acts or omissions of any participating contractor in the Program, nor for any consequential or incidental damages, or for any other damages connected with or resulting from Customer’s participation in this Program.
19. Customer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, Atlantic City Electric, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability associated with this Program.
20. Gas rebates will only be processed when paired with electric rebates
21. Apply for natural gas and electric product incentives through either your gas or electric company-one rebate per product as noted below.
22. If multiple contractors have been used for installs, please submit a separate application for each contractor
23. Qualified homeowners may be eligible for an additional $200 incentive per unit for the purchase of qualified equipment.